Thursday, January 6, 2011

'Cause Workin' Out is Hard To Do

I'll confess, I'm terrible at sticking to a workout plan of any kind. I'd much prefer to fiddle with my diet than really make any kind of workout commitment. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind being active - but I am the queen of excuses when it comes to sticking to it with any regularity. So here are my top reasons that I 'just can't work out today':

1) It's too time consuming: Let's face it - working out takes time. Not only do I have to commit 30-60 minutes a day to the actual exercize, but driving to the gym adds almost half an hour. So does loading up three kids into the stroller so we can go for a walk. And my peak energy hour tends to occur smack in the middle of nap time when I don't have childcare anyway. So, what can I do? Well, I can either spend a bunch of money on workout equipment for the house that I'll probably be too tired to use by the time the kids are in bed anyway, or I can suck it up and remember that everything worthwhile is going to require a commitement of time and then look around for a workout I actually enjoy. And it wouldn't hurt to remind myself that I can do 'bite size' workouts several times a day - in whatever spare time I find. It all adds up.

2) I'm afraid of looking like a fool: Once I finally force myself to drive to the gym I am faced with the prospect of making a fool of myself. In my eyes it seems like everyone at the Y is a gym rat who knows exactly what they're doing with each piece of equipment and I'm embarrassed to death when I can't figure out how to turn on the elliptical machine. Or how to adjust the weight bench. Or when I accidentally drop in on the Advanced Step Class and practically keel over on my step. So what can I do? Admit that I'm a beginner and ask for help. I'm sure the kind people at the Y would be glad to show me around the equipment. And they provide a handy dandy little schedule with the 'beginner' classes all highlighted for me. All I have to do is ask. So I've picked out a nice beginners Yoga class and an easy level Step class and cleared my calendar for those nights (as soon as I'm cleared to exercize again). And maybe if I'm truly feeling brave I'll ask about those elliptical machines. Maybe.

3) I get booooooored: Working out is so easy when I'm doing something I love. Like dancing. Or riding my bike. Or, um, weeding. But it pretty much takes a Firefly marathon on the little tv to keep me on the treadmill for any length of time. Unfortunately, adult dance classes are infrequent and expensive, the kids are too small to ride bikes with me, and, well, it's winter so no weeds as of yet. So what can I do? First of all, I can find another type of class that I enjoy. There's something about taking a group class that makes sticking-to-it so much easier. So I'll try out a few till I find something I like almost as much as dancing. Which brings me to - dancing with the kids. Our kids LOVE when we turn on some nice '80s music and clear the livingroom floor and dance around like crazies. Even better, they want Mommy to hold them while she dances - which makes it a real workout. And maybe some day, when they're older, I can find a real dance class to take.

4) Accountability: I am terrible about sticking to things when I know the only person I'd let down by slacking off is myself. What I need is a gym partner. Someone I HAVE to show up to meet. Otherwise it's too easy to fall back on all my other excuses. Unfortunately the only person around here I know that well is my husband, and he's got to watch the kids while I go. So what can I do? Learn to be accountable to myself. Hello - it's called discipline and I'm an adult, I should have a little. If I don't work out then my health suffers and I'm letting myself down. And actually, I'm letting my family down too. They count on me to stay healthy - and my kids count on me to set a good example. When I take care of myself, everybody wins. I just need to make that my mantra.

So - if I value my family I need to value my health. And if I value my health then I need to make exercize a priority. Even if it's only 10 minutes here and there - a dance party in the morning, some weeding in the afternoon, a yoga class on Saturday - the more I 'just do it' the easier it'll be. And the better I'll feel. So no more excuses, it's time to get this Mama in shape!

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